(by Woody Guthrie and Jay Farrar)
__ don't let anything knock your props out from under you
__ always keep your mind clear let your plans come out of mistakes
__ these are the plans that nothing can tear down
__ made out of things that have already been __ torn down
__ whatever you do, and wherever you go __
__ don't lose your grip on life, and that __ means __
don't __ let any earthly __ calamities knock your dreamer
and your hoping ma- __ chine __ __ __
out of order (3x)
out of order (3x again)
__ music is the language of the mind that travels
__ it carries the key to the laws of time and space __
__ lonesome train __ whistling down the silent wail of wind
__ life is the sound, __ creation has been __ a song
whatever you do, wherever you go ...
out of order (3x)
out of order (3x again)
__ quick to manufacture new schemes and ideas
__ faster than any turn a tide can wash you out
__ the word is the music and the people are the song
__ tomorrows chances feel like a singing god __
whatever you do, wherever you go ...
out of order (3x)
out of order (3x again)
out of order (3x again)
out of order (3x again)
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link for more info
link for more info