First you get the buckets ready, clean the pans and gather firewood, Late in the winter, it's maple syrup time. You need warm and sunny days but still a cold and freezing nighttime For just a few weeks, maple syrup time. We boil and boil and boil and boil it all day long, Till ninety sev'n percent of water evaporates just like this song And when what is left is syrupy, don't leave it too long. Watch out for burning! Maple syrup time. I know it's not the quickest system but each year I can't resist it. Get out the buckets, and tap the trees in time. Making it is half the fun, and satisfaction when it's done. Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. My grandpa says perhaps it's just a waste of time. Ah! but no more than this attempt to make a happy little rhyme, So pat your feet or swing your tail, but keep in good time. Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. I'll send this song around the world with love to ev'ry boy and girl, Hoping they don't mind a little advice in rhyme. As in life or revolution, rarely is there a quick solution, Anything worthwhile takes a little time. We boil and boil and boil and boil it all life long. When what is left is syrupy, don't leave it on the flame too long. But seize the minute, build a new world, sing an old song. Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. Oh, sing it with me now! Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. Swing your tail a little bit! Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. Clap your hands! Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. Split wood, not atoms! Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. I wish I knew these words in French... Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. Ah, Canadians gotta learn it in French! Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time. One more time, everybody! Keep up the fire! Maple syrup time.
recording: Pete Seeger (1979 album) [YouTube]
recording: All Things Considered documentary (1978) by VPR/NPR, for which Pete wrote the song [Vermont Public Radio]
recording: Pete Seeger, excerpts from the radio story with parts of the song [Vermont Public Radio]
recording: Pete Seeger and Friends (2003) [YouTube]
recording: Moxy Fruvous (2001) [YouTube]
recording: Peter Siegel (2016) [YouTube]