(adapted by Amanda Witman for Ray McNeill,
from Newman's Ale, adapted by Tony Barrand & John Roberts,
from Nottingham Ale, trad.)

When Venus, the goddess of beauty and love
  Arose from the froth that swam on the sea
Minerva sprang out of the cranium of Jove
  A coy, sullen dame as most mortals agree

But Bacchus, they tell us, that prince of good fellows
  Was Jupiter's son, pray attend to my tale
They who thus chatter mistake quite the matter
  He sprang from a barrel of McNeill's Ale:

	McNeill's Ale, McNeill's Ale
	He sprang from a barrel of McNeill's Ale
	McNeill's Ale, McNeill's Ale
	No liquor on earth like McNeill's Ale.

You bishops and curates, priests, deacons and vicars
  When once you have tasted, you'll own it is true
That McNeill's Ale is the best of all liquors
  And none understand what is good like to you

It dispels every vapor, saves pen, ink and paper
  For when you've a mind in your pulpit to rail
Open your throats, you may preach without notes
  When inspired with a bumper of McNeill's Ale:

	McNeill's Ale, McNeill's Ale
	Inspired with a bumper of McNeill's Ale
	McNeill's Ale, McNeill's Ale
	No liquor on earth like McNeill's Ale.

And you doctors, who more execution have done
  With powder and potion and bolus and pill
Than hangman with halter, soldier with gun
  Miser with famine or lawyer with quill

To dispatch us the quicker, you forbid us malt liquor
  'til our bodies grow thin and our faces grow pale
Let him mind you, who pleases, what cures all diseases
  A comforting glass of McNeill's Ale:

	McNeill's Ale, McNeill's Ale
	A comforting glass of McNeill's Ale
	McNeill's Ale, McNeill's Ale
	No liquor on earth like McNeill's Ale.

history: song history and Newman's Ale [Golden Hind Music]

Ray McNeill: a story of Ray McNeill and his pub (2005) [Boston Globe]

video: singing in McNeill's, Christmas Eve 2015 [YouTube]

video: singing in McNeill's, Marlboro Morris Ale 2013 [YouTube]