(by Saro Lynch-Thomason)

The day, the day is *breaking
Some of us are gone
But we will always remember 
And honor you

Three-part canon: nine measures long, parts entering on beat 3. 
Not a straight-forward four-part round! But not difficult either.

[getting started, parts entering]
1		&		2		&		3		&		
The		day,		the		day       is	brea-king	
								The		day,

4		&		5		&
Some      of	us        are	gone
the		day       is	brea-king	
				The		day,

6		&		7		&
But  we   will	al- -ways    re-mem--ber		  And
Some      of	us        are	gone
the		day       is	brea-king	

8		&		9		&
hon-		-or		you
But  we   will	al- -ways    re-mem--ber		  And
Some      of	us        are	gone

[once going, repeat at will] 1 & 2 & 3 & The day, the day is brea-king hon- -or you The day, But we will al- -ways re-mem--ber And hon- -or 4 & 5 & Some of us are gone the day is brea-king you The day, 6 & 7 & But we will al- -ways re-mem--ber And Some of us are gone the day is brea-king 8 & 9 & hon- -or you But we will al- -ways re-mem--ber And Some of us are gone
[ending] 1 & 2 & 3 & The day, the day is brea-king hon- -or you The day, But we will al- -ways re-mem--ber And hon- -or 4 & 5 & the day is brea-king the day is brea-king you The day, 6 & 7 & the day is brea-king the day is brea-king the day is brea-king

recording: Saro Lynch-Thomason with Ishka Shir and Grace Upshaw [YouTube]