Nay, thou art not dead, U-krai-ne, see, thy glory's born again, And the skies, O bre-th-ren, u- -pon us smile once more! As in Springtime melts the snow, so shall melt away the foe, And we shall be mas---ters in our_ own_ home!_____ Soul and body, yea, our all, offer we at freedom's call We, whose forebears, and ourselves, proud_ Cossacks are! Soul and body, yea, our all, offer we at freedom's call We, whose forebears, and ourselves, orig: proud_ Cossacks are!
recordings: Modest Mentsinskyi (1910) & Mykhailo Zazuliak (1915) [Ukrainian History & Education Center]
notes: commentary on the new poetic English translation (1918) [The Editor]