(by Roger Hussey, from the singing of Barry Finn)

Verses (in 15/4):

On the Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-ni-dad 
  run (Tri-ni-dad run)
Our ship goes to hell, we're all ha-vin' way too much 
  fun (way too much fun)

Chorus (in 11/4):

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

Ve-nez-ue-la is fla-menco, an' hot gui-tar 
  strums (hot gui-tar strums)
Tri-ni-dad is ca-lyp-so, an' loud steel 
  drums (loud steel drums) 
	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

Car-ry crude oil to Tri-ni-dad re-fin-er-
  -ies (re-fin-er-ies)
To Ven-ez-ue-la for more crude, we run back emp-
  -ty (run back emp-ty)

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

For most tank-ers it's long at sea, short time in 
  port (short time in port)
But we've tied up long, our sea time is 
  short (sea time is short)

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

When we tie up, the bar girls an' ta-xi cabs 
  come (ta-xi cabs come)
Here comes a week-end, of ri-ot an' 
  rum (riot an' rum)

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

[__] Lars is locked in his ca-bin, the rich owner's 
  son; (rich owner's son)
He's a drunk-en ex-i-le, at thir-ty-
  -one (at thir-ty-one)

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

If we're row-dy a-shore, we end up in 
  jail (end up in jail)
Rum an' pe-sos from Lars, an' we're soon out on 
  bail (soon out on bail)

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

Miss our sail-ing, hung o-ver, roll o-ver an' 
  then (roll o-ver an' then)
Wait a week, stay drunk, an' our ship's back a-
  -gain (our ship's back a-gain)

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

Beg the pur-ser, "Please, just one more ad-
  -vance!" (one more ad-vance)
What with girls an' booze, your wal-let does not stand a 
  chance (not stand a chance)

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

Af-ter eight trips the chief's at the end of his 
  wits (end of his wits)
Af-ter ten trips they send us back home to re-
  -fit (home to re-fit)

	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

So it's pack up an' back to the hi-r-in' 
  hall (the hi-r-in' hall)
An' it's fare-well to fla-men-co, an' ste-el drums 
  all (an' ste-el drums all)
	Ven-ez-ue-la to Tri-i-ni-dad,
	Tri-ni-da-ad to Ven-ez-ue-la!

recording: Chris Maden [YouTube]